~DiNnEr & dAnCe~
WelcOme to Citibank D&D 05!

ARMs of +eam B!

ChrIstmas is heRe?? nah, tats Philip in disguise! hehe.. :>

LaO Ban & 5566

AlfrEd & 5566

LoVe her pEranaKan cosTumE!!

ArEn't theY seXy?!

~LaO dA & 5566~

ARMs of +eam B!

ChrIstmas is heRe?? nah, tats Philip in disguise! hehe.. :>

LaO Ban & 5566

AlfrEd & 5566

LoVe her pEranaKan cosTumE!!

ArEn't theY seXy?!

~LaO dA & 5566~

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