Helped out in Anna's wedding today in church... So nice to have a church wedding!! As it's a promise before God & all relatives and frens, a church wedding tends to be quite a solemn one...
The moment Anna was accompanied into the church by her dad, she kept tearing non-stop! I guess she's too happy lE! Felt really happy for the couple as they exchange their marriage vows... It's like a promise to each other & God as well... wah! :p
Quoted the title "Declaration comes with Commitment" from the pastor when he spoke at the wedding ceremony jus now... The short sentence "I do" declares that you will love ur partner no matter what (my own version... i duno the whole thingy..) must also come with commitment.. Lots of it...
Married couples can just file for a divorce like that.. Have they forgotten what they promised to each other then?
As for me.. I'm looking forward to the day when i say "I do" before him (whoever i might marry :P), God, family & frens... & will defintely keep the promise... :>